International Congress for Conservation Biology. Short film: Culture, Spirituality and Conservation. Oral presentation: “Sacred forests on a landscape scale in Ethiopia, The Gambia, Japan, and Malaysian Borneo.” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 21-25 July 2019.
Communities, Conservation & Livelihoods. Culture, Spirituality, and Conservation Photo Exhibition. Halifax, Canada. 28-30 May 2018. ICOMOS 19th General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Culture-Nature Journey Distillery. Delhi, India. 11-15 December 2017. International Congress for Conservation Biology. Ninki Nanka. CREA Contest. Cartagena, Colombia. 23-27 July 2017. IUCN World Conservation Congress. "Lights! Camera! Conservation Action! Inspiring new audiences via multi-platform mass media." Honolulu, Hawai'i. 1-10 September 2016. International Association for Ecology. Presented the paper: “Do Ethiopian church forests provide ecosystem services on a landscape scale?” London, UK. August 2013. International Congress for Conservation Biology. Presented the paper: “Do Ethiopian church forests provide ecosystem services on a landscape scale?” Baltimore, MD. July 2013. Student Conference on Conservation Science. Presented the paper: “Conservation in the Anthropocene: Do dragons protect the Gambia’s forest?” Cambridge, UK. March 2013. Biodiversity Symposium on Biodiversity Technologies. Presented the poster: “Mapping the Sacred: Global analysis of sacred and religious sites”. Oxford, UK. Sept 2012. 49th Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation. Presented “Do mythical dragons, dancing animals, and nature spirits prevent deforestation?”. Bonito, Brazil. June 2012. Student Conference on Conservation Science. Presented the poster: “Belief systems, Land Tenure and Customary Conservation in Malaysian Borneo” (Commendation). Cambridge, England. March 2012. Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) Sacred Lands Workshop. Presented “Religious Forests Sites Mapping Project.” Assisi, Italy. November 2011. Research Symposium on Sacred Natural Sites. Presented “Customary Conservation in Malaysian Borneo.” Zurich, Switzerland. October 2011. Biodiversity Symposium on Biodiversity Beyond Protected Areas. Presented the posters: “Belief systems, Land Tenure and Customary Conservation in Malaysian Borneo” and “Assessing the Local Ecological Value of Religious Forest Sites.” Oxford, UK. September 2011. Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance. Presented the paper: “Do Dragons Prevent Deforestation? Indigenous Belief and Conservation in a Socio-Ecological System in Kiang West, The Gambia.” Fort Collins, Colorado. May 2011. Student Conference on Conservation Science. Presented the poster: “The Introduction of Predators into African Protected Areas: Assessing Community Attitudes.” Cambridge, England. March 2009. Elephant Conservation and Management in the Eastern Cape Workshop. Edited Workshop Proceedings. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. February 2002. Virginia Junior Academy of Science Conference. Presented the paper: “Survival and Growth Rate of the Amphipod, Leptocheirus plumulosus, in Eastern Shore Creek Sediments Affected by Crop Protectant Run-off.” Norfolk, Virginia, USA. April 2000. Virginia Junior Academy of Science Conference. Presented the paper: “The Effects of Fertilizer Run-Off on Brine Shrimp.” Norfolk, Virginia, USA. April 1999. |